Graphic Design, Digital Marketing
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Canadian Diabetes Association or CDA is a registered national charity whose mission includes serving the 11 million Canadians living with diabetes or prediabetes. Diabetes Canada programs include: D-Camps (provide kids with type 1 diabetes with a unique experience to help them learn to manage their diabetes in a safe and fun environment.), Team Diabetes (is Diabetes Canada’s national activity fundraising program that offers Canadians of all fitness levels the opportunity to walk, run or hike in events across Canada and around the world, while raising funds and awareness.), Clothesline (is a program that collects gently used clothing, small household items and electronics. Proceeds from the program support Diabetes Canada.), CDA Expos (are educational events in the community.), and Diabetes Webinars (are free webinars hosted by health-care professionals, diabetes educators, and people living well with diabetes.)
Diabetes Insider newsletters are regional newsletters targeted at subscribed diabetes audiences who live within the area. The newsletters provide the latest updates of diabetes-related information within the region and how the audiences can reach and contact the CDA in his or her region.
Dark Red is the primary colour for the Canadian Diabetes Association, dark blue is the secondary and grey is the third. I use these three colours combined with strokes to make the connection effect. The word “Diabetes Insider” can stand out within the stokes. The region names, such as “Greater Toronto Area” and “Manitoba & Nunavut” give the audience general information about which region newsletter she or he subscribed to.